How to Create a Study Schedule for Our Online Course

MSM Online Courses
3 min readJun 17, 2024


The flexibility is another consideration that comes with an online course; you can take the course at any time, anywhere. However, as people say, freedom has its price, and the same applies to this case as well. Even the best online courses come with challenges, Pursuing a task without a set plan could be very much a way of postponing and neglecting it. This means that developing a study schedule is vital to the success of best online courses.

Best online course: How to create a study schedule

There are a few tips on how to make the best study schedule that works for your learning style and lifestyle. Check out these tips for best online course:

Take your time into consideration

Probably the most effective way to set fixed days and times would be to ensure that the training does not clash with official working hours whereby a company or organization operates during certain hours of the day. Firstly, you have to look at your current commitments. Schedule your study sessions for your online course during these timeslots to ensure you coincide with them. That way, it is more rigid and you can give the demands your undivided attention during the scheduled slot. The same applies to study sessions; it is advisable to treat it as an appointment since it may eventually rank low in your list of priorities.

Specify your best online course by segments that you are capable of handling

It is not recommended that you set up several sessions that last several hours at once especially if this is the first time that you are going to engage in e-learning. Gradually, increase the amount of time children spend in blocks but start with small and many blocks for example 30–45 minutes each day. Divide courses into sections that are achievable within a particular term. The session length can also be gradually prolonged if your stamina gets enhanced over time.

Factor in breaks

When there are no gaps within the working day or week, one feels drains out very fast. Keep awake by using the ‘work break’ system in which you include 5–10-minute pauses every forty-five minutes of studying. Perhaps take a break sometime in the day and stand up from your chair, move around a little, have a bite to eat, perhaps make a cup of tea. Even the best online courses need some break time.

Be realistic

The level of goals set within a schedule, it will be probable to fail… It is therefore wiser to pace yourself in proportion to the inherent limitations and capabilities that are inherent in every person. Stay online only 1–2 hours a day, during weekdays that are not very busy and 2–3 hours during weekends that are not very busy. Choose more flexible work hours in response to unpredictable life events. Even if you cannot check all the items on the list, as long as there is consistent progress being achieved, there is no need to be worried.

Use schedule templates

Adopt the study schedule template as opposed to developing a new one from scratch and intended for online learners only. Many good web-based printable templates are available for free that provide timing instructions and alerts for scheduling courses, assignments, breaks, and other goals. It means that in case of having a weekly flow, templates had to be designed depending on the flow.

Studying schedule in the context of an online course can be summarized in the saying ‘if you fail to plan, you plan to fail,’ Even when the application of the plan is not perfect, having a plan and a roadmap is much better than no plan at all. Use these tips so that you can create a schedule that you will be able to stick to. It can be helpful to create a road map to learn our online content by scheduling strict yet flexible time frames of the day/week. Don’t let it wait any longer, make a conscious effort to take charge of your learning velocity now!

